Sunday, October 14, 2007


Andreas again! I must say I am hard when uploadding these pics . . . he is sooooo beautiful. Please post your comments.


Anonymous said...

hello , I visited your weblog : very beautiful , and very warm , like a warm sex between 2 warm boys . Know could I have a suggestion for you , Mediterranean boys ? If yes I offer it to you : Let's expand this weblog , beauty photos , identifications , handwritings and what you thinck , a grand weblog containing beautyful boys , nice boys , sexy boys , or boy friands . Maybe one day in a party , here or over there or in any country some members from one country visit the others from other country , I visit ..... or ..... visit me . A grand weblog : mediterranean and persian boys .I wait for you , I can send you our photos .
I hope we can create the most grand weblog for boys in middle-east , or even in the world , I'm sure that middle-east and mediterranean boys are most beautifull boys in the world , aren't they ?
I wait for you . .

shahid said...

hellow, i saw your weblog ,it is very beautiful and very attractive. i am much impressed.i have some suggestions for you ,if you want to take them please contecet me at ,

gioka123 said...

I can't believe this. He's so young! How can he be attractive??? DISGUSTING!!! You make me sick!!!!

Antinolover said...

Hey Gioka

some people love beauty, other hate it

get tolerant ok!

Gabriella said...

omg how old is he????

ali said...

u r beautiful mach moor
i like ur pic

Anonymous said...

please post more of andres please he is so cute

Anonymous said...

yes do so