Monday, July 2, 2007


another stunner . . . enjoy and dream


Anonymous said...

hello , I visited your weblog : very beautiful , and very warm , like a warm sex between 2 warm boys . Know could I have a suggestion for you , Mediterranean boys ? If yes I offer it to you : Let's expand this weblog , beauty photos , identifications , handwritings and what you thinck , a grand weblog containing beautyful boys , nice boys , sexy boys , or boy friands . Maybe one day in a party , here or over there or in any country some members from one country visit the others from other country , I visit Andreas or Chris visit me . A grand weblog : mediterranean and persian boys .I wait for you , I can send you our photos .
I hope we can create the most grand weblog for boys in middle-east , or even in the world , I'm sure that middle-east and mediterranean boys are most beautifull boys in the world , aren't they ?
by the way , you are ver sexy Phil !
I send this message to all .
I wait for you .

Anonymous said...

ur very hot phil u have a nice body
do u have facebook xxxx

Anonymous said...

my friend crystal wants hook ups are u available??